Cancel a vehicle registration

Cancel your vehicle registration and receive a refund for your registration based on the time left on your registration.

To cancel your vehicle registration, go to a registry agent and fill out the Licence Plate / Parking Placard Cancellation form. You will need to bring:

You can also find a registry agent and mail them the following:

  • a written request signed by all registrants shown on the registration certificate
  • a photocopy of your driver’s licence
  • your current address, so the refund can be mailed to you
  • a written verification issued by the jurisdiction you are surrendering your plate to
    • if you are outside of 草榴社区, and the jurisdiction doesn’t take your plate, mail it with your request
  • the registry agent service fee

A $10 (plus GST) cancellation fee will be deducted from the refund.

If you are eligible for a refund, you will receive a cheque in the mail in approximately 4 to 6 weeks.

If you have not received your refund, it may be because your address on the motor vehicles system is outdated, or you have overdue fines that remain unpaid (your refund will be applied to the outstanding balance of the fine).

If you have not received your refund after 6 weeks, you may contact Service 草榴社区 Refund Inquiries at: [email protected], or Service 草榴社区 Financial Reporting and Policy, Motor Vehicles Refund at 780-422-1761 extension 6.

If you move to another province and exchange your licence plate, you can send a letter to a registry agent to cancel your registration and have the refund mailed to you.