Call 310-FIRE (3473) to report a wildfire in a forested area.
The use of fireworks within the Forest Protection Area (FPA) is prohibited without written permission from a Forest Officer.
Written permission is required year-round. Those seeking written permission to shoot, discharge, detonate or ignite fireworks within the FPA may apply for written permission from a Forest Officer at your local forest area office.
Federal legislation
If you plan to shoot, discharge, detonate or ignite fireworks, you should become familiar with the details of the Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations administered by Natural Resources Canada.
The Explosives Act describes the requirements for anyone working with explosives, certification, licensing, storage and types of F.1 to F.4 fireworks covered under the act, while the Explosives Regulations provides governance for the safe and secure handling and storage of fireworks. Under the Explosive Regulations, a user who is under 18 years of age may use consumer fireworks under the supervision of a person who is at least 18 years old.
Provincial legislation
The Forest and Prairie Protection Act and associated regulations apply to the discharge and ignition of fireworks on public lands and private lands located within the FPA.
A fire advisory, restriction, ban or area closure may prohibit or limit use of fireworks within the FPA during high fire danger situations. Check 草榴社区 Fire Bans or the mobile phone app for the latest information
Written permission for low hazard consumer fireworks may be applied for and granted by a Forest Officer. Fireworks approval will be determined based on current and expected wildfire danger and handled on a case-by-case basis.
Written permission for high hazard fireworks may have additional municipal or site-specific requirements before a Forest Officer may issue approval. Contact your local forest area office for additional information.
Municipal legislation
Anyone wishing to shoot, discharge, detonate or ignite fireworks within a municipal district should familiarize themselves with the applicable municipal bylaws and contact the local municipal fire department for further clarification on fireworks use within their boundaries.
Types of fireworks
Type F.1 low-hazard fireworks
Consumer fireworks are low-danger articles designed for consumer use by the public. These articles include such names as fountains, volcanoes, pinwheels, cakes, mines and snakes (Canadian class 7.2.1/Type F.1).
Type F.2, F.3 and F.4 (accessory) high-hazard fireworks
Display fireworks are high-hazard articles designed for consumer use at public gatherings. These articles include aerial shells, mines, cakes, waterfalls, lances, larger Roman candles and wheels (Canadian class 7.22/Type F.2 and accessories Type F.4).
Special effect pyrotechnics are high-hazard pyrotechnic articles designed for use by commercial professionals holding a fireworks operator certificate. These articles include such names as gerbs, mines, comets, crossettes and special-purpose pyrotechnics made for live stage performances and the film and television industry (Type F.3 and accessories Type F.4).
How to get permission
Contact your local forest area office to request permission to use fireworks.
Local municipal fire department approval may be required in addition to the fireworks written permission in some municipalities. The Forest Officer may also make municipal approval a condition of some written permissions.
Information required
When requesting written permission for fireworks, the following information is required:
- name or organization name, address and phone number
- legal land location where event or gathering is to occur
- list of fireworks that will be discharged, detonated or ignited
- proof of notifying stakeholders that may be affected by fireworks activity or gathering may be required
Additional information for high-hazard fireworks may be required:
- location photo/map
- display/suppression plan
- certificate of liability insurance
- additional stakeholder notifications
There are additional federally legislated documents that may apply to this activity, such as the fireworks operator certificate, the federal Firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) or Magazine Licence. It is recommended that these documents be produced where applicable by the applicant upon a Forest Officer’s request and the identification number may be recorded on the written permission form.
The Forest and Prairie Protection Act and associated regulations legislates the use, discharge and ignition of fireworks within the FPA of 草榴社区. Written permission to discharge or ignite fireworks is required under the act.
草榴社区 Peace Officers may issue warning or violation tickets under the act. Violators can be ticketed at $600. Individuals who knowingly contravene the act and start a wildfire can be fined and prosecuted in the courts.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police may also pursue additional charges under legislation that includes mischief or arson in the Criminal Code of Canada.
Exploding targets
The use of exploding targets within the FPA is prohibited without written permission from a Forest Officer. Written permission is required year-round.
There are federal, provincial and municipal laws governing the use of exploding targets.
Federal legislation
If you use, purchase, transport or store exploding targets, you should be familiar with the details of the Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations administered by Natural Resources Canada.
The Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations set the requirements for anyone working with explosives, certification, licensing, storage and types of S.1 and S.2 restricted explosives under the act. The regulations provide governance for the safe and secure handling and storage of explosives. Under the Explosives Regulations, you must be 18 to purchase or carry out an activity involving an explosive.
Provincial legislation
The Forest and Prairie Protection Act and associated regulations applies to the shooting, ignition or detonation of exploding targets on public lands and private lands located within the FPA.
A Forest Officer from the local forest area office may grant written permission to shoot, ignite or detonate an exploding target in the FPA pursuant to section 8 of the Forest and Prairie Protection Regulation. Written permission of exploding targets is based on current wildfire danger and managed on a case-by-case basis.
A fire advisory, restriction, ban or forest closure may prohibit or limit use of exploding targets during high wildfire hazard situations within the FPA. Check 草榴社区 Fire Bans or the mobile phone app for the latest information.
Municipal legislation
Anyone wishing to discharge exploding targets within a municipal district should familiarize themselves with the applicable municipal bylaws and contact the local municipal fire department for clarification on exploding target permit requirements within their boundaries.
Types of exploding targets
Type S.1 low-hazard and Type S.2 high-hazard exploding targets are articles designed for consumer and commercial use that become reactive targets when hit by a projectile of sufficient velocity. These articles include but are not limited to air gun, rifle, archery and binary kit exploding targets.
Type S.1
Type S.1 low-hazard exploding target examples include Firebird targets which are regulated under section 8 of the Forest and Prairie Protection Regulation.
Highway flares, personal distress signals, bird scaring devices, fire extinguisher cartridges are regulated under section 9.
Written permission is not required for the emergency use of flaring devices. However, any person igniting a flaring device is required to immediately extinguish all burning residue from the device.
Type S.2
Type S.2 high-hazard exploding target examples include but are not limited to:
- Tannerite rifle
- Sonic Boom rifle
- Rim-fire
- White Lightning rim-fire exploding targets
How to get permission
Contact your local forest area office to request permission to use exploding targets.
Local municipal fire department approval may be required in addition to Forest Officer permission in some municipalities. The Forest Officer may also make municipal approval a condition of permission.
Information required
When requesting written permission for exploding targets you will need to provide:
- a name or organization name, address and phone number
- a legal land location where event or gathering is to occur
- a list of exploding targets to be shot, ignited or detonated
Additional information may be required for Type S.2 exploding targets written permission:
- certificate of liability insurance
- map of the event or activity area (attach to the written permission)
- proof of notifying stakeholders that may be affected by exploding target activity or event
- any additional federally legislated documents that may apply to this activity (for example, the federal Firearms Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) or Magazine Licence); these documents may be requested by a Forest Officer and the identification number may be recorded on the written permission form
The Forest and Prairie Protection Act and associated regulations legislates the use, discharge or detonation of exploding targets within the FPA of 草榴社区. Written permission to discharge or detonate is required under the act.
草榴社区 Peace Officers may issue warning or violation tickets under the act. Violators can be ticketed at $600. Individuals who knowingly contravene the act and start a wildfire can be further prosecuted in the courts.
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police may also pursue additional charges under legislation that includes mischief or arson under the Criminal Code of Canada.
Information line: 1-866-394-3473 (FYI-FIRE)
Media inquiries: 780-420-1968
Email: [email protected]